2021 Victorian COVID Support

2021 Victorian COVID Support

The Victorian Government has announced a $400 million package, jointly funded by the Commonwealth Government, that will provide automatic payments to almost 100,000 eligible businesses in Victoria, including sole traders.  Further hardship funds will be made available...
2021 NSW COVID Support Package

2021 NSW COVID Support Package

The purpose of this blog post is to provide you with a basic understanding of the current NSW 2021 COVID-19 support package as well as to assist you in determining your eligibility for financial support. We note that the rules have been moving so this is a guide only....
JobMaker Explained

JobMaker Explained

The JobMaker Hiring Scheme was recently announced by the federal government as part of a wider plan to rebuild our devastated economy. The scheme will provide incentives to employ younger, unemployed job seekers. It is expected to support around 450,000 jobs. KEY...
JobKeeper Update

JobKeeper Update

Today, details of the JobKeeper alternative test have been announced by the ATO. This test applies if there is not a relevant comparison period for the purposes of the turnover test. The ATO has determined there is not a relevant comparison period if one of the follow...
Are you ready for JobKeeper?

Are you ready for JobKeeper?

Think you are eligible for JobKeeper but not sure what to do next? We can assist you to ensure your business and employees meet the eligbility requirements as well as working through the paperwork and reporting. However, if you would like to work through the process...
JobKeeper Stimulus

JobKeeper Stimulus

On April 8, 2020 the federal government passed its $130 billion Job Keeper stimulus package through parliament. This information was posted onto the ATO website yesterday (14th April, 2020). Please note that this is only the first version of ATO guidance and that...